Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Group Members: +0

 As a surprise to no one, I will continue working on my own this year. Just like last year, I plan on completing all of my assignments on my own. Not only because of the current situation of the world, but  also because I enjoy being alone. Until further notice, that will never come, my group will consist of me alone. Last year, I took every chance I could to talk about how working on my own made some things easier. Working around any problems that came up, implementing ideas, and trying out new ways of filming were all made easier to do without having to consult a group first. Of course, not all the ideas I had were effective, but it was still fun to try them out. I can acknowledge that having group members makes filming a lot easier. Of course, I'm no where near filming yet. So I should focus on planning first. 

I remember throwing around tons of ideas on what I should do last year. I thought about doing a horror film, a mystery film, and a handful of different genres that didn't receive as much thought. I was able to fully map out scenes in my head and decide on whether I could actually do them. Doing something similar would take much longer with a group. When I heard what I was doing this year, the same thing happened. I had a ton of ideas going through my head one after another and threw out a good few. I'm still not completely sure on what to do, but I still have multiple ideas. To wrap things up, I'm working alone again. Not only am I working alone again, but I don't have a group to work with. Finally, I am completing this project on my own. 

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