Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Genre Research: Powerpoint

      At the beginning of the year, I was assigned to make a power point on a genre of my choosing. I decided to choose the mystery/detective film genre. The power point went over the different conventions of the mystery genre. Conventions such as what camera angles are used the most, the miss en scene, types of sound, and common editing. After going through the common elements, I was told to discuss what elements of the genre I liked and disliked. Throughout the power point, I inserted different examples of what was being talked about on the slide. For example, on the camera movements slide, I added a gif to represent of the movements being used. The slide for sound was difficult to get around, I planned to have a video inserted into the power point so that the sound could play. Evidently, something went awry and I settled for including frames from the video. The end product resulted in a very flawed power point that looks cool from afar.

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