Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Making My Own Website...


Link to the website:

To better spread my short film, I was tasked to create a website as well as a few social medias. The easiest part was making the social medias. All I needed to do was create a new email and the rest was smooth sailing. I'm not new to making social medias, that can't be said when it comes to making a new website. I've never made a website before. I've had the idea of making a website and had knowledge about the tools online for doing so, but never decided to go through with it. Setting up a YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook took around a half hour to complete. Setting up the website probably took around twice that time and maybe some more. Eventually, I got the site up and running, even with the few setbacks.

I'm 100% sure that making a website without the use of Wix would be much more difficult than with it. That doesn't make it a perfect experience though. Either at fault of my computer or the sign itself, the site would move slowly while using it. Clicking and dragging elements would make the process difficult. The menus felt a little bit clunky. Again, this was due to the website moving slowly. Whenever I wanted to change which tab I was working on, the drop down menu would take a few clicks to drop. Despite the slowness of the site, I enjoyed seeing the different things I could do with the website and links. I thought it was cool seeing that I was able to add links to buttons, images, and whatever else I wanted. There isn't much, but I was able to add a little bit of character into the buttons. All in all, an okay experience.

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