Friday, March 13, 2020

The Blog Where I Talk About Filming Again

      After the peer reviews, I learned that I needed a few more features in the film. I needed to add a pan, tilt, an eye-line match, and an establishing shot. While filming, I decided to film a pan and a tilt. The rest I would add in post. I filmed a pan and tilt for the beginning of the film. I wanted to make it seem like the camera was booting up and turning into position. I wasn't able to capture a tilt with tripod, as I wasn't able to aim the camera downward. This resulted in the need to hold the camera and try my best to hold it steady. Because of this, the opening shot is a lot less stable compared to the others. There wasn't a lot more filming after this. I took multiple takes of this shot to make sure, which wasn't really needed. As always, I thought of what to do with the footage I was getting. I thought that I'd be able to squeeze in this footage. The takes I took were 4 seconds at most, so I didn't think I'd have problems pushing it in. I failed to consider that the film was already filled to 2 minutes. This meant I'd have to replace some part of the film for this shot. I decided not to film anything else, as I had considered the length in some capacity. I couldn't fit in an establishing shot and I already knew that. So for now, the establishing shot is the only thing I need. It is possible that I could find a way to add one in the future.

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