Monday, March 2, 2020

Peer Review Day

      Today we were assigned groups to peer review. We watched their films and wrote feedback guided by the paper pictured above. My group had made a film about a girl being kidnapped and her struggle to escape. The film was able to tell its story without being explicit. The situation the main character was in was obvious and didn't need words to show it. The opening shot of her tied up at the beginning was a very apparent sign of what's going on. The following scenes of her trying different things and struggling with the doors also sold the story. While watching the film, there was a very clear overabundance of cuts and transitions. Every action the character made would cut to a few seconds after, this made the film confusing at times. I suggested that there should be less cuts in the film and could see it improving if this change was made.
      Looking back at my film after watching theirs, I realized that I need to find a way to add a pan and tilt. Also, to avoid adding in unnecessary cuts and transitions. I've seen the feedback that my film has gotten and most of the group members suggested that I add a pan and tilt. The last group member suggested that I added more lighting to the second scene. The second scene has the main character getting ready for bed. I thought the lack of lighting was justified here, since it's supposed to be late. However, I plan on finding a way to add dim lighting to the scene. I also plan on adding a pan and tilt. I believe I've found a way to add one on my own. If that way fails, I'll just ask someone for help.

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